Our team of experts

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Our team

Meet the experts

Business Interruption

Business Interruption

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Financial Institutions


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Management Liability

Professional and
Management Liabilities

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Political Risk and Credit

Political Risk and

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Helen Meredith

Managing Director

Helen Meredith is ASL’s Managing Director. She leads ASL’s political risk and credit practice and also deals with claims affecting financial institutions worldwide.

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Jessica Bain

Senior Adjuster - Dubai Office

Jessica Bain specialises in financial institutions, crime, cyber and trade credit claims across the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific.

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Joana Ball

Associate Director

Joana Ball is part of ASL’s multi-disciplinary loss adjusting team. Her focus is on financial institutions, crime and cyber exposures, primarily in the Spanish speaking world, and political risk and credit exposures worldwide.

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Kunal Benodekar

Associate Director - Dubai Office

Kunal Benodekar specialises in financial institutions, crime and cyber claims throughout the Middle East, India, Africa and Asia Pacific. He is based in ASL’s Dubai office.

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Georgia Blessed

Senior Adjuster

Georgia Blessed is a qualified chartered accountant and a forensic accounting specialist. Georgia applies that expertise for the benefit of ASL’s insurer clients across the full range of financial lines, credit and cyber exposures.

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Ciara Farrelly

Senior Adjuster

Ciara Farrelly is a chartered accountant, with a wide ranging audit and forensic accounting background.

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Georgina Fenton

Associate Director

Georgina Fenton has expertise in a range of financial lines work and focusses on political risk and credit business and cyber claims.

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Maxime Gross

Senior Adjuster / IT Specialist

Max Gross is an expert in investigating and resolving cyber and financial lines claims. Bilingual in English and Spanish, Max works on claims emanating from all over the world but with a focus on the UK and Latin America.

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Ayda Hajihosseinloo

Senior Adjuster

Ayda Hajihosseinloo qualified as a solicitor with Norton Rose Fulbright, before joining ASL’s London-based team.

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Charles Harris

Senior Adjuster

Charlie Harris is a chartered accountant, specialising in financial institutions, crime, cyber and business interruption claims. He is part of ASL’s multi-disciplinary team based at our London office, working for insurers around the globe.

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Erika Hinojosa


Insurers engage Erika Hinojosa to resolve some of the most complex and high value claims sustained by insureds in Spain and across the Americas.

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Alison Horne

Associate Director - Dubai Office

Alison Horne is a key member of ASL’s financial lines team in Dubai, where she works on complex first and third party claims involving some of the biggest financial institutions in the MENA region. Alison also investigates and resolves crime, management liability and political risk and credit exposures, not just in the MENA region but further afield.

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Claudia Houlihan

Associate Director

Claudia Houlihan deals with first party losses and third party exposures sustained by financial institutions in every continent. She is bilingual in English and Portuguese.

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Andrew Hutchinson


Andrew Hutchinson is head of ASL’s financial institutions class of business.

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Meraam Ibrahim


Meraam Ibrahim is a linguist, with a degree in modern languages from King’s College London. Based at ASL’s London office, Meraam is involved in the investigation of claims arising all over the world.

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Stephen Ixer


Stephen Ixer is a market leading expert on financial sector crime and liability assignments across Latin America – regularly appointed by insurers in London, Miami and elsewhere.

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Sandy Kapoor

Head of Dubai Office

Sandy is head of ASL’s Dubai office. A qualified solicitor, Sandy has extensive experience of resolving complex financial institutions, crime, cyber and professional indemnity claims.

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Elinor Lamerton

Associate Director

Elinor Lamerton is a lawyer with commercial acumen and long-standing experience of professional and financial risks. Elinor joined ASL’s London office from RPC, where she managed complex and often multi-party litigation and arbitration disputes.

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David Ledger


David Ledger is appointed by insurers in the UK, Continental Europe, the US and Asia to resolve claims under financial institutions and crime policies. Having specialised in the field for more than 30 years, David has worked on some of the most high-profile claims in the financial lines space.

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Robert Lloyd


Robert Lloyd leads ASL’s cyber practice. He is recognised across the cyber and financial lines markets for his diplomatic and pragmatic approach to resolving claims.

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Edward Maddison


Insurers have long benefited from Edward Maddison's unrivalled experience and expertise on some of the largest and most complex notifications in the financial lines market.

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Thomas Morley

Senior Adjuster

Tom Morley is a chartered accountant with a wide-ranging audit background. He specialises in claims under crime, cyber, business interruption and financial institutions policies.

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Marcus Newman

Senior Adjuster

Marcus Newman specialises in cyber, financial institutions and crime claims, in the UK and internationally.

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Joanne Raby

Associate Director

Jo Raby is a chartered accountant who works across a wide range of financial crime, professional indemnity, cyber and forensic accounting assignments.

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Jinita Rav


Jinita Rav is a graduate of the University of Bath, where she gained a degree in International Management and Spanish. At ASL, Jinita is involved in investigating financial lines claims worldwide but with a focus on those in Latin America.

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William Sanders

Senior Adjuster

Will Sanders is a chartered accountant with a broad audit background, having worked in private practice and in-house in both the UK and Australia. At ASL, Will specialises in investigating and quantifying claims under crime, cyber, business interruption and financial institutions policies.

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Hetle Soni


Hetle Soni is head of ASL’s professional and management liability team. She is a true specialist in the field, dealing with complex matters in the UK, offshore and internationally.

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Alice Squizzoni

Senior Adjuster - Dubai Office

Alice Squizzoni is a specialist investigator of complex financial claims.

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James Vincent


James Vincent leads the multi-disciplinary loss adjusting team at ASL’s office in Dubai and is responsible for the firm’s business throughout the Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.

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Daniel West

Associate Director

Dan West is a forensic accountant and ASL’s technical lead for business interruption losses and remediation / mitigation costs arising from cyber events. He is also well versed in handling crime claims, including business email compromise.

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Jolanta Wichtowski

Associate Director

Jola Wichtowski deals with crime and other financial sector losses, including complex cyber claims with an emphasis on assessing remediation and mitigation costs.

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Thomas Widdowson

Senior Adjuster

Tom Widdowson is a multilingual lawyer. He works on financial lines claims worldwide but with a focus on those in Latin America.

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Andrei Williams

Senior Adjuster

Andrei Williams is a qualified chartered accountant with a forensic accounting background. Based at ASL’s London office, Andrei helps our insurer clients resolve crime, cyber and financial institutions claims across the globe.

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Ruth Willmington


Ruth Willmington leads ASL’s crime offering, having market leading experience of investigating, analysing and reporting on complex crime claims. Ruth also handles cyber and professional indemnity matters.

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