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Generative AI and ‘Deepfake’ Technology – Implications for Insurance

July 2024

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Commodity trading fraud – an increasing problem

November 2023

Thomas Morley explores the evolving threat of commodity trading fraud worldwide, with reference to our recent claims experience.

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Bank Refund Fraud – a New Trend

August 2023

Bank fraud is always evolving, and our experts are in a unique position to spot emerging trends in bank fraud. Marcus Newman identifies a new development and explores how banks could prevent these frauds.

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On International Women’s Day

March 2023

ASL are celebrating International Women’s Day by supporting three intrepid women in “the world’s toughest row”!

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How to Spot Pinocchio … 5 Top Tips to Help Companies Avoid Social Engineering Fraud

December 2022

Our crime lead, Ruth Willmington, advises on the top 5 red flags that insurers should be warning their clients about.

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Organised Fraud – Where does the money go?

July 2022

Ruth Willmington, our Crime lead, shares her insights on where the money goes and whether it is worthwhile pursuing individuals and recoveries

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Marine cyber threats fast evolving

May 2022

Rob Lloyd reflects on the cyber risks affecting the maritime sector.

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What will the impact be of the anticipated implosion of the Russian banking sector? 

May 2022

Helen Meredith reflects on her experience of adjusting Russian banking claims and considers the challenges ahead.

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LMA FI/PI Claims Committee Symposium – 5th May

April 2022

Our Cyber lead and FI Director, Rob Lloyd is looking forward to speaking at this exciting event - please join us!

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Doing Something to Help

March 2022

If you are looking for a way to support Ukrainians, please consider joining ASL in donating to this excellent initiative

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Sustainability, ASL and the Market

March 2022

Jo Ball discusses how the impetus to counteract climate change is a win:win for the planet, insureds and of course insurers.

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Where does BBB Computer Crime cover end and standalone Cyber cover start for Financial Institutions?

September 2021

Kunal Benodekar considers the impact of increased cyber crime on BBB and cyber cover.

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5 Steps to Maximise Recoveries

August 2021

Georgina Fenton describes the 5 points that will put you in the best position to recover the greatest sums

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Personal loan and credit card frauds – a Dubai Office perspective

June 2021

Alison Horne writes about the trends we are seeing at ASL’s Dubai Office relating to personal loan and credit card frauds in the Middle East and highlights some relevant policy considerations

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Will there be a sharp rise in the discovery of crime losses following the pandemic?

April 2021

Hetle Soni comments on a BBC News article relating to an employee accused of skipping work for 15 years.

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How will the pandemic affect emerging markets?

March 2021

Helen Meredith comments on an article in Insurance Day on insurer reserves and the spectre of emerging market debt default

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What has prompted an upturn in investment management claims?

March 2021

Insurance claims made by investment managers and administrators post-pandemic and referred to us at ASL are increasing.

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We comment on International Women’s Day

March 2021

The gender diversity statistics for our industry are still behind the curve; however, the article concludes that there is light at the end of the tunnel and I think that’s right.

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Robert Lloyd talks to Brian Alexander, Group Practice Leader for GrECo Services

March 2021

Brian Alexander, Group Practice Leader Financial Institutions, talks with Robert Lloyd, Director at ASL about trends in Crime & Cyber claims, the effects of Covid-19 on claims and the neutral and objective position of the loss adjuster.

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Will fraud be bigger than Covid-19 for trade credit?

February 2021

In our last newsletter we commented that we had seen an increase in claims resulting from fraud – particularly involving commodity traders. According to the GTR, this was also the topic which most concerned trade credit professionals in 2020.

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Interview with our new Managing Director

February 2021

Helen Meredith has stepped up as Managing Director of ASL. In this interview she is asked about her thoughts on this new position

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Social Engineering – Recent Trends

February 2021

Frauds involving social engineering are continuing to result in substantial losses. This short article sets out some recent trends we have seen at ASL.

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Have insurers turned a crisis into an opportunity?

January 2021

Key participants in the credit and political risk market have been telling us that they are not seeing the anticipated tsunami of claims as a result of Covid-19.

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Claim Trends From Our Dubai Office

October 2020

More evidence of claims relating to credit, cybercrime and PI across the Middle East and Africa, as well as the Far East

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SME Update – Cybercrime and Business Interruption

September 2020

It’s been a busy few months for the cyber team here at ASL. Why? Largely because of an increasing number of cybercrime and business interruption claims notified by SMEs, especially in the UK.

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Potential impact of Covid-19 on Bankers’ Blanket Bond & Commercial Crime Policies

May 2020

Clients have asked us about the potential impact of Covid-19 on Bankers’ Blanket Bond and Commercial Crime policies. Here are our thoughts on some of the factors that could lead to increased criminal activity.

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Adjusting to Covid19 – Loss Adjusting at ASL During and After the Pandemic

May 2020

In the 12 months prior to the pandemic our team travelled to over 40 countries to adjust claims; we explain how our work has changed now that we are all confined to home.

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